Monday, September 10, 2007

Release it .... when it is time

Sometimes, when one is too frustrated with circumstances in work, he tends to endure for the sake of money, security and other liabilities. Getting angry is fine sometimes, and tolerating is fine too. However, there is always a time, we need to release such emotions and the negative feelings, otherwise, it can impact our life negatively too.

I was asked to counsel a junior colleague today in view of her "underperformance". That's a difficult task as both of us are so new, and thus, I decided to encourage her to take up more challenges, without making her feeling bad on her own performance. While there may be instances that she poured out her frustrations and petty accusations, I advised her that it is time to leave behind her negativities and move forward. Essentially, blaming someone for old past events without looking forward will bring her nowhere. From counselling, I learnt too, and I am happy about it. (I am not sure about her acceptance on my theory and I don't care either) Essentially, releasing of negativities and moving on, is something that I also have now got to remind myself :) If we do not release, we will never grow.....

For once, I really have to disagree with my favorite character, Peter Pan.....

1 comment:

gavin said...

yea..don't be like Bree. hehe