Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Today, I felt that I was lost in a maze. Well, then the solution has to be how to walk out of the maze. It may be a long, deep maze and everyone yearns for a map to get out, or some magic carpet to escape. In reality, to get out of the maze, I just have to walk out by myself, whether I are smart or not. There may be help along the way, and of course, I am very lucky to have so many support from my wonderful pals out there, but walking out (smartly) ultimately relies mainly on myself. Eventually, I know I will walk out, so while walking out, I am learning the lessons along the way, picking up bits and pieces. And I shall take this opportunity during the journey to be a stronger person.

"The lessons will keep repeating itself until it is learnt"

1 comment:

grace said...

Cheer up! Is thurs... weekend is coming :-)