Tokyo has a special place in my heart. I like Disneyland since 14, but that's due to my childlike-ness and idealistic nature. Over the last 8 years, I have travelled to Tokyo over 10 times, and each time, it touches me. The place may be fun, but it has a deeper meaning. I like the culture, the style and my friends there. It has 2 faces: a very materialistic look and a very serenity feel. Both fits me well, especially the latter. I love my country-side visits during the different seasons, the stay at Kita-Ayase, the seasonal fruits and sweets, and the very unique Tokyo aroma..... I always can recognise that smell. Suddenly, I wonder if that is home-sick-ness?
I don't know why. My heart is there, I know. So is my good friend's. :)
(Today is Sunday, I will be at home, and I am going for my run and swim now, thereafter I will have my sandwich dinner. I got raisins bread, ham, bacon, egg, tomatos.... yum yum)