Sunday, January 11, 2009

Saturday Nights ..... Cool, Quiet, Cozy Always

I love Saturdays as it is a day I meet my friends, have good meals, exercise (jog or swim) and tidy the house (yes I enjoyed it). I need to mention on Saturday nights, after all the above activities. I love to stay up late til the wee hours at home, and laze by the window on my beanbag, watching tv or talking to friends on the laptop. It is cool, it is quiet, and the home is cozy, always..... shhhhh..... someone is asleep now :)

Though I am really into canto-pop these days, a chinese song kept popping into my head.....终于找到心有灵犀的美好, 一辈子暖暖的好 (小酒窩)....

But I do not wanna sleep..... because I enjoy the quietness and coziness of the night at home.....

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