Sunday, August 3, 2008

Am I really quieter now?

Recently, some colleagues have said that I am quieter, in terms of verbal conversation. I didn't really felt it, until today, despite being a weekend. Suddenly, I felt I have not spoken so much these days, even to friends. Or in certain conversations, I choose to remain silent so as to avoid unnecessary arguments with friends or colleagues or superior. I have to assured all, it is NOT a deliberate move on my part. Sub-conciously, sometimes I felt that talking can takes a lot of energy and may to an extent invite more trouble maybe. For instance, sometimes voicing your problems may make me feel even miserable?

Actually I do not know the reasons too..... blame it to the natural aging process bah! Hey friends, having said that, I felt that the above has not lessen my happiness level. I thought I am a happier person these days.


don't ask so much... said...

i think u r a happier person now. X-D

Sukoshi Nihonjin said...

Thank you, I am happy with my progress. I mean, the barriers appear larger than before, but I am glad, I am able to manage them eventually.